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We look forward to speaking with you!

Please feel free to call us or email us.

You may also use the form on this page to send us a message.


* If you are in crisis and need immediate assistance:  call 911 or go to your nearest ER.

Family Dynamics is NOT an emergency provider.

Get Connected

The Ridgewood Office:

216 Dayton St.

Ridgewood NJ 07450

The Waldwick Office:

93 Franklin Tpk

Waldwick NJ 07463


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for infertility,

pregnancy &

new moms

Having a baby changes everything. It is physically, emotionally and mentally challenging. And while the process of having a baby can bring immense joy and excitement, it can also trigger symptoms of depression or anxiety. 

Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorders can develop during pregnancy or up to one year postpartum.

There is help. You are not alone.

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The Ridgewood Office

216 Dayton Street

Ridgewood, NJ 07450


If you are in crisis and need immediate assistance: 

call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.

Family Dynamics is NOT an emergency provider. 

lets talk

We understand that finding the therapist these days is hard. That's why we offer a confidential phone consultation to help you decide if we are the best fit to support you. Our intake coordinator will answer all your questions, review insurance benefit details & can schedule an appointment when you are ready

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Thanks for submitting! Our intake coordinator will be in touch shortly.

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